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Your Path to Energetic Alignment 

Schedule a session with Angie at Sound Healing Edmonds to nurture your divine spirit, enhance your wellness and take your life to the next level.



Find Peace in your Mind, Body and Spirit

I discovered sound healing through a workshop at Seattle Sound Temple in 2018. That workshop sent me on a deep dive into the technology of sound and how it effects the body and emotion. I started with crystal bowls and quickly moved to tuning forks after reading Tuning the Human Biofield by Eileen Day McKusick. I then read Human Tuning by John Beaulieu and was regularly using my tuning forks on friends and family. The positive effects of this practice are undeniable and the more I worked on people, the more I enjoyed and trusted the medicine of the tuning forks. They locate disturbances in your energy field and give your body precise feedback to bring these spaces back into alignment. We are electrical beings and when there is coherence in the energy field, everything else in life flows better. 

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Interested in scheduling your own sound healing session? Please reach out. I am always happy to help.

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(425) 232-5991

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